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  • Trieste, Italy: three days teaching seminar at AMeC – Associazione Medicina e Complessità on the Banerji Protocols from 19th to 21st of October 2012.
  • Milan, Italy: 18th of October 2012: Lectured at the Faculty Forum of the Oncology Department of The University of Milan on the treatment of cancer by the Banerji Protocols.
  • Toronto – Canada: Canadian Homeopathic Conference Toronto, Ontario, Canada, invited speaker, 12th to the 14th of October 2012, entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: The Regression of Malignant Tumours by a Non-invasive and Non-toxic Oral Medical Approach', in session 1 and 'Immunotherapy with Banerji Protocols' in session 2 of 2 hours each.
  • Participated on behalf of The National Cancer Institute (NCI), in a workshop organized by The Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM) on the Best Case Series Program (BCS) at the 9th International Conference of the Society of Integrative Oncology (SIO) at Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on the 8th and 9th of October 2012.
  • Banerji Protocols International Collaborative Research Consortium Seminar facilitated by Open Health Systems Laboratory at the John Hopkins’s Shady Grove campus: on the 24th of May 2012.
  • Agartala, Tripura, India: Under invitation from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the National Rural Health Mission, Government of Tripura, delivered a two day teaching seminar with CME, on 'The Banerji Protocols' on the 8th and 9th of September 2012, to all doctors of Government Health Centers.
    CME Programme on Banerji Protocols at Tripura, 2012
  • Buffalo – USA: Full day seminar, homeopaths and students about Homeopathy and Cancer at Daemen College and Himalayan Institute, Amherst, 29th October 2011, entitled,'The Banerji Protocol: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
    Conferences at Canada -USA 2011
  • Buffalo – USA: Faculty Forum, by special invitation at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, USA, on the 26th October 2011 entitled,' 'The Banerji Protocols: The Regression Of Malignant Tumours by a Non-invasive and Non-toxic Oral Medical Approach'.
  • Toronto – Canada: Canadian Homeopathic Conference Toronto, Ontario, Canada, invited speaker, 22nd of October 2011, entitled, ''The Banerji Protocols: The Regression Of Malignant Tumours by a Non-invasive and Non-toxic Oral Medical Approach'.
  • Tsukuba – Japan: JPHMA Homoeopathy International Charity Conference on 8, 9 and 10 October 2011, invited speaker, presentation entitled, ''The Banerji Protocols: The Regression Of Malignant Tumours by a Non-invasive and Non-toxic Oral Medical Approach'.
    Conference at Japan, October, 2011
  • Tokyo – Japan: 2 day practical workshop course and teaching seminar for physicians and at the College of Holistic Homeopathy (CHhom), Tokyo, entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
  • Nagpur, 17th July 2011 – invited and delivered lecture entitled 'The Banerji Protocols: Homeopathy of the 21st Century' at the seminar of Lokmath Knowledge Series organized by Lokmath group of News Paper.
    Lokmath Knowledge Series Seminar, Nagpur 2011
  • Ranchi, 27th February 2011, – invited and delivered lecture entitled ' Immunotherapy with Banerji Protocols' at the seminar on New perspectives in Homeopathic practice organized by SBL.
  • Spain, Zaragoza, Prescribo Homeopatia – conference organized by Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Zaragoza invited speaker on 6th November, 2010, presented oral presentation entitled 'Banerji Protocols: Research Projects and articles published'.
  • Madrid – Spain , AEFHOM (Asociacion Espanola de Farmacenticos Homeopatas) at the Fundacion Instituto Homeopatico Y Hospited de San Jose, on 5th November 2010 invited speaker, presented oral presentation entitled : ' Immunotherapy with Banerji Protocols'.
  • Portugal, October 2010, two days (30th & 31st October, 2010) teaching seminar for homeopathic doctors at Escola De Medicinas Alternativas e Complimentares (EMAC) Oporto, Portugal entitled ' The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
  • Spain, invited speaker on 29th October, 2010, presented oral presentation entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Homeopathy of the 21st Century' at the opening ceremony of the Master in Natural Medicine at The University of Santiago De Compostela (USC), Spain.
  • Singapore, The BIT’s 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress 2010: invited speaker, 22nd to 25th June 2010, presented oral presentation entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Disease-Specific Ultra-diluted Medicines for the Treatment of Lung Cancer'.
  • Singapore, The BIT’s 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress 2010: invited speaker, 22nd to 25th June 2010, presented oral presentation entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Disease-Specific Ultra-dilute Medicines for the Treatment of Brain Tumors'.
  • New York, November 2009: invited speaker at the Society of Integrative Oncology’s conference, Revitalizing Cancer Care: Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Programs and Whole Systems Research, November 12 - 13, 2009, at The New York Academy of Medicine, New York. Presented paper entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Disease-Specific Homeopathic Medicines for Primary Treatment of Cancer'.
  • Madrid, Spain, 1st November 2009: invited speaker at scientific conference organized by D’Salud 'The Banerji Protocols: A review of the use of it in daily practice'.
  • Madrid, Spain, 31st October 2009: 1 day theoretical course for physicians and pharmacists (BOIRON) at the Conference Center, entitled 'The Banerji Protocols: A review of the use of it in daily practice'.
  • Madrid, Spain, 30th October 2009: 1 day theoretical course for physicians and pharmacists (AEFHOM) at the Homeopathic Hospital, entitled 'The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
  • Tokyo, Japan, July 2009: 3 days practical workshop course and teaching seminar for physicians at the Royal Academy of Homeopathy Tokyo, entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
    Teaching Seminar at Japan, July 2009
  • May 2009: Poster Presentation entitled 'Treatment of primary malignant gliomas and meningiomas with ruta/calc phos' – at The 3rd Quadrennial Meeting of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology, jointly with the 6th Meeting of the Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology (ASNO) at Yokohama, Japan.
  • January 2009: Invited lecture entitled, 'Contemporary thoughts, needs and the Sublimation of Homeopathy' at the SBL, Scientific Seminar, by Dr. Prasanta and Dr. Pratip Banerji.
  • November 2008 : Poster Presentation entitled 'A Community – Based Protocol for Brain Tumour Treatment: Ruta and Calc Phos – at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuro-Oncology at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, by Prasanta Banerji, Pratip Banerji along with Dr. Barbara Sarter of the USC at Las Vegas.
  • November 2008, Poster Presentation entitled, 'Homeopathic Protocol to Retard Progression of Chronic Renal Failure' by Prasanta Banerji, Pratip Banerji along with Dr. Barbara Sarter of the USC at Puerto Rico.
  • Valladolid, Spain, November 2008: 3 days theoretical course for physicians at the Medicine University of Valladolid, entitled 'The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
  • Barcelona, Spain, November 2008: 3 days practical workshop course for physicians at the Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Barcelona COMB (Medical Association), entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
  • Tenerife Island, Spain, November 2008: 3 days teaching seminar at Colegio Oficial Médicos de Santa Cruz, entitled 'The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy'.
  • Kos, Greece, October 2008: 8th International Conference of Anticancer Research: MainSpeakers allotted 20 minutes for presentation entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: The Regression Of Malignant Tumours By A Non-Invasive And Non-Toxic Oral Medical Approach'.
  • Madrid, Spain, September 2008: IV Congreso Internacional de Medicinas Naturale: Invited Speakers allotted 1 hour 15 minutes for presentation entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: A Necessity for the Progress of Homeopathy'.
  • Valladolid, Spain, May 2008: III Congreso Nacional de Homeopatia, at the Facultad de Medicina de Valladolid: Invited Speakers allotted 1 hour 30 minutes for presentation entitled, 'The Banerji Protocols: Simplifying Homeopathy for the betterment of suffering humanity'.
    Conference at Spain, February 2008
  • Toronto, Canada May 2007: Poster Presentation at the American Society of Microbiology’s 107th Annual General Meeting entitled. 'Bitter Orange may be used to treat patients with Anti-Fungal Drug Resistant Candida Infection.'
  • Poster presentation on preventive medicine for brain tumors at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology at Orlando, USA, in November 2006.
  • June 2006: Poster presentation abstracts accepted by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), for presentation at the 12th International Congress for Infectious Diseases (ICID), Lisbon, Portugal, entitled: 'Antifungal activities of bitter orange on resistant Candida spp.'
  • June 2006: Poster presentation abstracts accepted by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), for presentation at the 12th International Congress for Infectious Diseases (ICID), Lisbon, Portugal, entitled: 'Reactivity of different Salmonella antigens with alcoholic extracts of different plants'.
  • Mumbai Feb 2006: Presented at the 25th Annual Convention Of The Indian Association For Cancer Research & Silver Jubilee Symposium On Molecular Profiling And Cancer Management a paper entitled 'Regression of malignant tumours following a new method of treatment utilizing homeopathic medicines'.
  • Corfu, Greece, 2004: Invited speaker at the 5th International Conference of Anticancer Research.
  • New Delhi 2001: Indian Science Congress – Millennium 2001: Presented co-authored paper entitled: 'Malignant Tumors: A Homeopathic Approach'.
  • New Delhi 2001: Indian Science Congress – Millennium 2001: the theme paper of the conference entitled: 'Homeopathic treatment of Tuberculosis'.
  • Arlington, VA, USA 2000: Comprehensive Cancer Care 2000. Presented 2 papers, one on the regression of malignant tumors by homeopathic medicines, and gave another presentation on behalf of the National Cancer Institute on their 'Best Case Series'.
  • In July 1999, presented 'Best Case Series' on cancer before the Cancer Advisory Panel Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAPCAM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda. Presentation was accepted by the panel '...tumour regressions were very striking and unusual...'
  • Attiki, Greece, 1997: Presented paper on regression of Bronchogenic Carcinomas by homeopathic medicine.
  • Corfu, Greece, 1995: Invited speaker at the 5th International Conference of Anticancer Research, 'Regression of Brain Tumour by Medicine'.
  • Presented papers at International Conferences in Athens, 1977; Hamburg, 1979; Acapulco, 1980; Rio de Janeiro, 1986; Athens, 1988; Cologne, 1991; Cordoba, 1992; etc
  • 2
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