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Forthcoming Event 'The Legacy to Humanity: Celebrating 150 years of Homeopathy'

It is with great pleasure that we wish to inform you that we are celebrating 150 years of the introduction of Homeopathy into the Banerji family of Birshingha, Mihijam and subsequently of Kolkata.

The story began with Pandit Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar (Banerji) and his youngest brother, Ishanchandra, and was taken forward by Pareshnath, Ishanchandra’s son who is better known as Dr. P. Banerji of Mihijam. Pareshnath’s son Prasanta, and his son, Pratip are still carrying on the legacy.

To celebrate this occasion, we are organizing an event at the Science City Auditorium, Kolkata on the 27th of June 2016. The event is entitled, 'The Legacy to Humanity: Celebrating 150 years of Homeopathy', and we are thrilled that Hon'ble Shri Pranab Mukherjee, The President of India, has graciously consented to be the Chief Guest and Hon'ble Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi, The Governor of West Bengal, has also consented to be the Guest of Honor.

 There will also be a photo exhibition showcasing the magnificent journey of the Banerji family influencing and contributing to the world of Homeopathy.

Those who are interested to attend the programme, please send a mail  mentioning your full name, postal address and contact number to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. These information are necessary for maintaining Presidential Protocols.   

The last date of sending your personal information for confirming a seat is 10th June , 2016.   

To Purchase Our Book

If you wish to purchase the book ' THE BANERJI PROTOCOLS- A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicines', co-authored by Dr. Prasanta Banerji and Dr. Pratip Banerji, please contact Mr. Avijit Sen at media@pbhrfindia.org for detailed information.

Our New Phone Numbers



  • We DO NOT have any telemedicine centre anywhere around the globe.
  • We DO NOT take any sort of registration fees for checking patients
  • We DO NOT encourage any registration over telephone
  • We DO NOT have any other branch
  • We DO NOT have any other web presence
  • We have NO professional relation with any other P Banerji website or organization.

We REQUEST you NOT TO MAKE ANY ONLINE PAYMENT to anyone for getting treated by Dr. Prasanta Banerji and Dr. Pratip Banerji If anyone requests money from you in the name of PBHRF, PRASANTA OR PRATIP BANERJI, please lodge a complaint to the nearest cyber crime police station.

Patient Consultation

We DO NOT schedule any appointment over telephone.

If you are a resident of India, please CLICK HERE to know how you can consult our doctors.

If you are residing out of India, please FILL IN THIS FORM for free online consultation.

For any further information, send email to info@pbhrfindia.org

PBHRF On Social Media

Connect with PBHRF on the various Social Media:

Google Plus
Our Twitter Handle: @PBHRFIndia

The PBHRF Youtube channel can be viewed here.

Our hashtag: #pbhrfindia


Many of our patrons have often expressed their kind desire to donate to PBHRF for assistance in further research and studies. You are requested to send your mails to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the word "DONATION" as the subject of the mail. We shall follow up with you on the same.

Thank you !!

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