Cancer, as yet, is a subject of great concern because there is a lack of a 100% guaranteed and effective treatment even in the 21st century.
Thus, along with a search for conventional solutions, researchers are looking to identify treatment options offered by various systems of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including homeopathy.
It is here that the 'Banerji Protocols' utilizing homeopathic medicines, with which the PBHRF and its practicing homeopaths are readily associated, has had an important role to play.
Our Experience with Cancer
Average patient turnout of 1000 to 1200 a day gives us a clear perspective as to disease and treatment trends in the populations.
An average of 10 to 15% ie. 120 to 200 cancer cases a day, of our patient turnout, suffering from this dreaded disease has helped us to formulate set protocols for their treatment.
In our clinics we are privileged to see and treat every type of cancer and in every stage of the disease.
We get patients who opt to take only our Banerji Protocols without any conventional treatments and we get those who use our medicines as adjunct therapy after the conventional treatments fail.
We even get patients who come to us to get relief from the various side-effects of conventional chemotherapy and radiation.