Japanese Enchephelytis
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) in India, 13 September 2005
1145 cases of Japanese encephalitis have been reported from 14 districts of Uttar Pradesh Province, India from 29 July to 30 August 2005. About one-fourth of these (n=296) have died. 90 cases from the adjoining districts of Bihar have also been admitted to the hospitals in Uttar Pradesh.
Most infected persons develop mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. In people who develop a more severe disease, Japanese encephalitis usually starts as a flu-like illness, with fever, chills, tiredness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. Confusion and agitation can also occur in the early stage. The illness can progress to a serious infection of the brain (encephalitis) and can be fatal in 30% of cases. Among the survivors, another 30% will have serous brain damage, including paralysis.
There is no specific treatment for Japanese encephalitis. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, and no effective anti-viral drugs have been discovered. Care of patients centers on treatment of symptoms and complications.
How we treat the disease :
The treatment of choice would be as follows:
1. Belladonna 3 or 30 or 200, normally we would use the 3rd potency, 2 pills in pill no. 40, 3 doses a day.
2. Cuprum Metallicum 6, 2 pills in pill no. 40, 3 doses a day.