Homeopathy Without Borders -Indo-Japan Homeopathic Conference 2013

Dr. Prasanta Banerji and Dr. Pratip Banerji attended the Indo-Japan Homeopathic Conference 2013, which was organized by Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association, Tokyo and Centre For Advanced Studies in Homoeopathy, New Delhi.
The event took place at Delhi from 18th to 20th October, 2013. Present at the conference were eminent Homeopathy practitioners from India and Japan, including Dr. Torako Yui , President of JPHMA.
On 18th October, Drs. Banerji presented 60 minute session on "Immunotherapy with the Banerji Protocols". On 19th October, they presented a 90 minute session on "Banerji Protocols on Cancer."