International Collaborative Research Consortium
The Banerji Protocols International Collaborative Research Consortium was formed in May 2012 at an international symposium on the Banerji Protocols hosted by the Open Health Systems Laboratory. The participants in the Consortium recognize the global health implications of the Banerji Protocols, which are simple and efficient to apply even in rural settings by primary care doctors, and which have shown great promise for effective treatment of many health problems for which conventional Western medicine has no cure.

The effectiveness of these protocols are not limited to cancer; the Banerji Protocols effectively treat all variety of diseases and health problems, including pediatric and adult infectious diseases, with their protocols. Maternal-child health problems are also amenable to successful treatment with these protocols. They use disease-specific standardized treatment regimens with safe and inexpensive homeopathic medicines, which relieve symptoms and address the underlying pathology. Consortium members from around the world have come together in order to rigorously investigate the mechanisms of action and effectiveness of the Banerji Protocols.
The list of participants included:
Dr. Prasanta Banerji
Founder and Managing Trustee
PBH Research Foundation
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Dr. Pratip Banerji
Co-Founder and Deputy Managing Trustee
PBH Research Foundation
Iris Bell, MD, PhD
Professor, University of Arizona Medical School
Fellowship in Integrative Medicine
Arup Bhattacharya, PhD
Affiliate Member
Associate Research Professor
Department of Natural Sciences
Roswell Park Graduate Division
State University of New York at Buffalo
Joyce Frye, DO, MBA, MSCE
Center for Integrative Medicine
University of Maryland Medical Center
Shanker Gupta, PhD
Patricia Jordan, DVM
Elena Ladas, RD, PhD(c)
Director, Integrative Therapies Program for Children with Cancer
Division of Pediatric Oncology
Columbia University
Isis Mikhail, MD,MPH,DrPH
Director, Extramural Research Program (ERP)
Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine
National Cancer Institute
Gregory Ogilvie, DVM
Oluwadamilola Olaku, M.D., M.P.H., MRCOG
Scientific Program Analyst,
Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine
National Cancer Institute
Barbara Sarter, PhD, FNP-BC, DiHom
Associate Professor, University of San Diego
Subrata Sen, PhD
Professor of Molecular Pathology
University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Anil Srivastava
President, Open Health Systems Laboratory
Leanna Standish, ND
Medical Director
Bastyr University Integrated Oncology Research Clinic
Here are more photographs from the consortium: