Glioma-Casestudy 3
Md H. 12 years aged young boy came to our clinic on 16th of December 2008 with the complaints of seizures and headache off and on with haziness of vision, started since last 2 months.

MRI of BRAIN done on dated 4th of December 2008:- Nodular lesion with perifocal oedema in right sup parietal region ? Tuberculoma. Astrocytoma.

Stereotactic biopsy done on 10th of December 2008 showed "…High grade neoplasm ... Glioma..."
After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day, and Lycopodium 30c two doses daily for edema, all his clinical symptoms recovered within 6-7 months. Now the patient is leading a trouble free, normal life but he still continuing his medication in reduced doses.
Follow up M.R.I. of Brain done on dated 10th of January 2013: --"within normal limit."