Seminar and Cancer Camp at Solapur, Maharashtra, April 2014

A seminar followed by camp for treatment of cancer and kidney diseases through Banerji Protocols, was organized by Sri Ram Clinic and World Federation of Alternative Medicine, on 27th and 28th April 2014, at Solapur, Maharashtra, India.
The seminar was attended by 150 delegates from all over Maharashtra. In the first session Dr.Prasanta Banerji talked about the birth, need and efficacy of Banerji Protocols. He explained it with power point presentation along with some cases. In the post lunch session Dr.Pratip Banerji explained cancer cases on power point presentation along with 5 live cases with discussion of their remedies. A good question and answer session ended the whole long day Seminar.
On the same day evening there was a talk for the general public on cancer and it's awareness in society. Speakers were Dr Prasanta Banerji, Dr Pratip Banerji, Dr B M Nene (Chairman Nargis Datt Cancer Hospital- Barshi) and Dr.Fahim Goliwale (Oncosurgeon Solapur ).
Next day on 28th April camp on cancer and kidney was scheduled where in approx 400 cases were seen out of which around 50 cases were of kidney diseases and rest were of different types and stages of cancer. Cases came from all over Maharashtra, most of the cancer cases had received chemotherapy, radiotherapy or had undergone surgery. In cases that were asymptomatic, medicines were given to increase the immunity so that metastasis should not occur. One month’s free medication has been given to the patients.