Glioma - Casestudy 5
Mr. B.S. male aged about 26 years in May 2001, was suffering for 3 months with headache, weakness, pain and numb feeling in the right side of the body when he came to us for his treatment on the 23rd of May 2001.
C.T. Scan of Brain done on the 9th of May 2001 showed, '…Nodular enhancing lesion left thalamic and left basal ganglia region with peri-lesional oedema component. Measurement of the lesion being 20 x 14 mm. ?Glioma…'
Biopsy not done.
Even today the patient is leading a trouble free, normal life without any medication.
Repeat C.T. Scan of Brain done on the 14th of May 2002 shows, ' – C.T. features, after a comparative study with the previous scan done on 09.05.2001, now shows complete regression of the nodular enhancing lesion with perifocal oedema un the left basal ganglionic region, presently showing a normal scan study'.
After 6 months we have reduced the doses.
Follow up C.T. Scan of Brain done on 6th of September 2004 shows ' brain appears Normal…'.
Then we stop our medicines.
Follow up C.T. Scan of Brain done on 28th of April 2008, shows '… brain appears Normal…'.
So there are no recurrence.
Again Follow up C.T. Scan of Brain done on 6th of September 2012, shows '… brain is within normal limits…'.