Astrocytoma Glioblastoma
Patient Information
This 60 years old gentleman came to us on the 8th of January 2009 and presented with headache, cervical pain, insomnia since 2 months.

C.T.Scan of Brain dated 31.12.2008
C.T. Scan of Brain done on the 31st of December 2008 showed "a well defined brightly enhancing sol in right occipital lobe involving corpus callosum till midline with maximum focal edema. and midline shift Astrocytoma/ Glioblastoma."
Stereotactic biopsy done on the 2nd of January 2009 “… grade IV Astrocytoma/GBM.

Picture of Histopathology
After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X two doses a day, his all clinical symptoms were gone within 3-4 months.
Follow up C.T. Scan of Brain (Plain & Contrast Study) done on 2nd of September 2009 showed “…As compared to previous ct study done on 31.12.08 reveals significant resolution of the lesion with very minimal residue in right posterior parietal region and splenium of corpus callosum , there is no shift of midline structures”

C.T.Scan of Brain dated 02.09.2008
Now the patient is leading a trouble free, normal life but is continuing his medication.