Lung Cancer -Casestudy 3
Patient Information
TL, male, aged 59 years as on August 2000. He came to us for his treatment on 17th August, 2000 presenting with cold and cough, occasional dyspnoea, insomnia and angular stomatitis for 3 months.

X-ray dated 30.07.2000
X-Ray Chest P.A. View done on 30th July 2000 showed – “…pneumonitis is present in right lower zone. A fairly big round opacity with internal calcifications suggest Hamartoma.”

CT Scan of chest dated 04.08.2000
C.T. Scan of Thorax done on 4th August 2000 showed, "…Impression; - Solitary pulmonary nodule (measuring 3.59 cms. X 3.56 cms.) posterior basal segment of right lower lobe."
C.T. guided F.N.A.C study from right lung SOL dated 8th August 2000 revealed, "…ADENOCARCINOMA…"
After 4 to 5 months of our medication, the medicines Kali Carbonicum 200c, twice in a week, Thuja Occidentalis 30c, two doses daily, Hepar Sulph 200c, two doses daily, clinically, the patient started feeling much better inspite of having continued mild cold and cough, dyspnoea, insomnia and occasional attacks of recurrent angular stomatitis. Now, since the patient has a good quality of life, all medication has been stopped since the last part of September 2002. Till date, the patient is keeping good health and living a normal active life.

Picture of Histopathology
X- Ray Chest P.A. View done on 28th April 2001 showed – " Comparative study with that of previous skiagram … shows, The opacity in right lower zone remains almost identical."

X-ray dated 28.04.2001
X-Ray Chest P.A. View done on 22nd September 2002 showed…. “ Well defined SOL with sharp regular outline with pop-corn calcifications, at right lower lung field almost identical in appearance in comparison with the previous Radiological plates.”

X-ray dated 22.09.2002
After 1 year without any medication repeat X- Ray Chest P.A. View done on 22nd January 2004 showed “…. Sharp outlined nodular opacity in right lower zone with internal calcifications remains unchanged in appearance in comparison with all previous X-Ray plates.”

X-ray dated 22.01.2004
This is a classic example of a case where the progress of the disease has been halted and inspite of the fact that the lesion has not regressed, this may be said to be a cure because, the medication has been discontinued without any further activity of the lesion even after five year,there were no complications during treatment.