JPHMA- Japan, October 2014

The doctors attended the 15th Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association Congress (JPHMA) on 18 and 19 October, 2014.
Find video links of the Congress here.
The doctors attended the 15th Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association Congress (JPHMA) on 18 and 19 October, 2014.
Find video links of the Congress here.
The doctors were invited at the National Congress of Homeopathy, held on May 30-31, June 01, at Madrid, Spain. The theme was: For a Personalised Medicine.
Dr. Prasanta Banerji and Dr. Pratip Banerji attended the 9th International Conference of Anticancer Research , from 6-10 October, 2014, at Porto Carras, Sithonia, Greece. The conference was organized by the Internationa Institute of Anticancer Research.
More info on the conference is available here:
A two day seminar was organised by EMAC May 24-25, 2014, at Oporto, Portugal.
The topic of discussion was- Advances Training in Scientific Homeopathy
Detailed information about the seminar is available at this link:
A seminar followed by camp for treatment of cancer and kidney diseases through Banerji Protocols, was organized by Sri Ram Clinic and World Federation of Alternative Medicine, on 27th and 28th April 2014, at Solapur, Maharashtra, India.
The seminar was attended by 150 delegates from all over Maharashtra.
Dr. Prasanta Banerji and Dr. Pratip Banerji attended the 9th American Joint American Homeoptahic Conference, presented by the National Center for Homeopathy, from April 4-6, 2014, at Long Island , CA, USA.
Dr. Prasanta Banerji and Dr. Pratip Banerji attended a conference-cum-cancer camp organized by the Orissa State Board of Homeopathic Medicine at Bhubansehwar on 22nd and 23rd February, 2014. A seminar on thr Banerji Protocols, attended by more than 600 participants, was organized on the first day. On the second day a cancer camp was organized, where around 500 cancer patients, along with some patients with renal failure came for treatment.