Glioma- Casestudy 1
Patient Information
Mrs. M.C. female, 50 years, came to us on 19th July, 1994 and presented with Giddiness; diminished hearing in the right side; slurring of speech; fear of falling down; unbalanced gait; progressive weakness of the left side and forgetfulness. Her trouble of trembling of whole body had started the last 4 months.
C.T. Scan of Brain (plain and contrast study) done on 14th July, 1994 showed "…a fairly large infiltrating type ill-defined enhancing soft tissue mass lesion from the apex of the right petrous bone with erosion of the apex of the petrous and adjacent base of skull and with intracranial extension in posterior fossa and right temporal area as well as extension in right temporal fossa associated with moderate degree of obstructive hydrocephalus Gliomas"
After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X two doses a day, all her clinical symptoms had improved within 6 months. Now the patient is living her normal, trouble free daily life without any medication.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 14.07.1994
C.T. Scan of Brain done on 22nd November, 1994 “….As compared to the previous CT Scan done on 14th July, 1994 the almost identical appearance noted in the soft tissue mass at the right CP angle and adjacent base of skull area with bone erosion.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 22.11.1994
Follow up C.T. Scan of Brain done on 1st December, 1995, "…as compared to last CT Scan done on 22nd November, 1994 the infiltrating soft tissue mass adjacent to right petrous bone shows almost identical appearance…"

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 01.12.1995
We then reduced the doses and stopped our treatment after one year.
After 9 years without any medicines follow up C.T.Scan of Brain (plain and contrast study) done on 6th August, 2005 shows "…A locally invasive soft tissue mass seen in relation to right petrous temporal bone which shows no significant change in comparison to last scan at 1st December, 1995."

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 05.08.2005
After 12 years without any medication again Follow up C.T. Scan of Brain (plain and contrast study) done on 18th April 2008 Impression – CT findings in a follow-up case of right CT angle and temporal region irregular enhancing mass now showing almost identical position and size as compared to previous CT Scan done on 6th August 2005.

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 18.04.2008