Glioma- Casestudy 2
Patient Information
AA aged 60 years, male, came to us on the 3rd of August 2004 and presented with gradual weakness of the left side of the body and limbs; Sleeplessness; Irritable and easy to anger since 2 months.
Before coming to us as per his initial observations:Stereotactic biopsy done on the 29th of July 2004… from right internal capsule showed "…High grade neoplasm ... Glioma."
C.M.C. Hospital Vellore’s report dated the 29th of July 2004 showed “…Suggestive of Corpus callosum and right parietal periventricular high grade Glial Neoplasm”

After undergoing treatment from us his all clinical symptoms were gone within 7-8 months. Then reduced the doses and stopped the medicines after 1 year.
Now patient is leading a trouble free, normal life without any medication.