Meduloblastoma -Pediatric
Patient Information
Baby KK (baby of BK), male, aged only 11 days on the 4th of October 2004. He presented with unusual increment in size of head noticed for a few days with unnatural behavior of the child.
As per his initial observations, C.T. Scan of Brain done on 22nd September 2004 showed, "…CT Findings are suggestive of hemorrhage (approx 30ml) in midline posterior fossa with hydrocephalus. Tentorial Sub Dural Hemorrhage and Sub Arachnoid Hemorrhage is there also…"
MRI of brain done on 27th of September, 2004 showed "…Cerebellar vermiar hemorrhagic SOL with obstructive hydrocephalus...Meduloblastoma..."

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 22.09.2004
After undergoing treatment from us with the medicines Ruta 6c, two doses a day, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, two doses a day & Lycopodium Clavat 30c, two doses daily for hydrocephalus. All his clinical symptoms recovered within 4-5 months.

MRI of Brain dated 27.09.2004
His gradual increasing trouble was checked with our homeopathic medication and follow up CT scan of Brain (plain and contrast) done on 8th May 2008 shows, “…IMPRESSION: CT scan in this follow up case of posterior fossa hematoma now show of focal atrophy in that region. No mass lesion is evident…”

C.T. Scan of Brain dated 08.05.2008
The baby is now 5 years+ showing normal daily activities and still continuing our medication in reduced doses.